Support Grade Calculate

Donate to keep Grade Calculate free.

When I created this, the goal was simply to make life easier for my wife. As time has gone on, I have seen how many people are actually using and benefiting from this site. There is a cost to running this application, and as more people continue to use it, the cost will go up.

If you find any value in using this site, please help us continue to keep it going. Below are the costs associated with running this site. If you are looking to support Grade Calculate, this list will give you an idea of how much to give.

Costs for Running

Web Hosting:$20.00$240.00
Privacy Guard:$0.25$3.00
Code Repo Hosting: $7.00$84.00
Total: $28.08$337.00

To some it may not seem like a lot, but to my wife and me, it is a substantial figure. Besides, any donations received over the cost can be used to develop other apps for teachers.

Our desire is to make life easier for teachers like you!

Support with PayPalSupport with Credit Card