Make calculating your grades easy and fun 🎉
We have all lost our paper EZ Grader at least once in our lives. GradeCalculate gives you all the support you need to calculate any test, quiz, or exam.
Get GradeCalcualte Pro
99% of educators and students will have to claculate a grade at some point in their life
If using a physical EZ grader, then chances are it has been lost more than once
Need to calculate a grade
Struggle to find your EZ Grader
Fall behind on grading
Geting GradeCalculate Pro gives you more options to make grade calculating easy
Save your preferences, get access to many themes, remove all the ads. Spend your time calculating grades the way you want to calculate them.
Saved PreferencesCustomized ThemesPro OptionsNo AdsPremium SupportCustomize Grade Tables
Saved Preferences
- Save your grade scale
- Remember the options you selected
- Have the theme you want by default
- Pro Benifit: Remember all the things
Is your life missing GradeCalcualte Pro?
Without GradeCalculate Pro
- You see ads
- You do not have more granular options
- Your world has less color
- You have to update your grade scale every time
- Your support is limited
With GradeCalculate Pro or Pro+
- You do not see ads
- More options that allow you to do more things
- You can choose the colors that work for you
- Time is saved because your preferences are remembered
- You get the support when you need it
Frequently Asked Questions
- Good question! See our pricing page for details.
Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email support.
- We think so 😀... but we are biased. Try it for yourself and see.